About us
I’ve had a passion for horses for as long as I can remember. While it wasn’t possible for me to have a horse growing up, my husband and I finally purchased a horse for our 11-year old daughter in 2016.
Thankfully, over the last several years, horses have helped to create a strong bond between my daughter and me, a welcome distraction and commonality through the sometimes tough teenage years. We’ve spent countless hours riding trails together, horse-camping with friends, driving to and from lessons and events, and even taking an epic 3-day trip to Big Bend to ride amongst some of the most diverse terrain Texas has to offer.

When we started this journey, I could never have imagined horses playing such a key role in our lives, and I certainly couldn’t have dreamed we would have such a beautiful piece of property we can share with others who love horses as much as we do.
While my husband prefers modes of transportation with horsepower, and not the 4-legged kind, he loves nothing more than looking out the window and seeing our five horses and three donkeys grazing in the pastures surrounding our home. His wholehearted and gracious support of our horse endeavors is a blessing we never take for granted.
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